
Friday, 14 September 2012

Play-doh Candy Cyclone Review

Our first box from Toys R Us has arrived & first up for testing is the Play-Doh Candy Cyclone, Tristan was delighted to see they had delivered Play-Doh because he loves creating things & what better way to be creative than to make sweets made of Play-doh(not for consumption they taste salty). 

Setting it up was really easy & is done in four easy steps, the instructions are easy to follow & a child would be able to assemble it by looking at the images on the instructions. The tools & variety of lolly sticks all can be placed upright onto the bottom of the tray, there is a variety of moulds to create lovely sweets & also a syringe to push through the play-doh which helps you make spiral or twister shaped lollipops. In this set you get 4 small pots of play-doh in blue, pink, yellow & white.

To create the balls all you need to do is to roll out some play-doh to the thickness of around 2cm, you can use a single colour or mix 2 together to get a variety of colours in your sweets, then place the rolled out play-doh log into the top of the globe until it is visible, turn the crank clockwise & watch the balls roll through & roll down the spiralling slide to the bottom of the tray ready for moulding(some moulds they may require more than 1 whole play-doh ball). Choose your mould & place it under the press then place the ball in the mould & press firmly, you can then remove the mould tray & tip out your play-doh sweet, I found this part to be quite tricky as I failed each time to get my sweet out of its mould in one piece, I was much more suited to making the lollipops but Tristan who is 4 managed it each time so I am not sure what I was doing wrong(maybe it needs a kids touch). 

All of us in mummy2five's household had fun creating sweets, my house was not covered in play-doh either because all the balls stayed in the bottom of the tray. It will provide hours of fun & is a sturdy plastic toy that your child will not grow bored of. To take care of it clean it out after each use & put the play-doh back into the tubs & secure the lids. The Play-doh Candy Cyclone can be bought from Toys R Us for £24.99 & is suitable for ages 3+.

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